Monday, March 1, 2010


After discussing the 48-hour video race in class I had a couple ideas in mind. I’m 90% sure I will use stop animation with stills I take using my Nikon D40 SLR camera. I really enjoyed using this technique when we were doing the multi-plane animation and it was fun to move around objects in order to achieve animation. A lot of my planning and ideas will be based once we receive our prop. I really hope it’s a physical prop not music or a sound clip. I am more of a visual person so it will be really hard for me to work with just music and not be given any direction on location or props to use. Depending on the prop we are given I might change my idea of using stills to create animation to using a scanner. But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

I am a little nervous of keeping this project within a 48 hour time frame. When given projects I always start working on it right away and slowly perfect it over time until it’s due. I NEVER leave projects to the last minute because it freaks me out ha and that’s exactly how I see this project as. Only having two days to work on this project stresses me out. I feel like I will come out of this project with something I won’t 100% like because of the time restrict we have been given which means I won’t be able to put a lot of time into the pre-production creative side of it. It scares the bajeezum out of me! It will definitely test my stress level as well as my ability to achieve a project up to my standards in a limited time. I am a perfectionist so it will be hard for me to let go of perfection and just go with my gut on how to achieve the project quickly and efficiently. It will be a challenge for me to accept how the project turns out where I might not have time to re -“shoot” or fix it. All in all I am really excited to see what our prop is and how my project will turn out!

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